Oaxaca, Mexico | March 29-April 27, 2025
Hello sweet soul and welcome. We are Anaïs Theyskens and Bianca Kempe, two rose priestesses devoted to the awakening of heart consciousness. We are honoured to meet you here and invite you to join us on our sacred initiatory journey in Oaxaca, Mexico, April 2025. Our sacred earth leadership program is designed to help you be(come) a catalyst for positive change in this world. We provide a month-long priestess school as a powerful accelerator of your path in service in a beautiful, high frequency earth temple. Our school of remembering aims to remind you of your heritage as a lightworker, provide you with the tools to confidently hold transformational space, create rituals and provide temple space for your community. We will help you refine and amplify your unique frequency to be of greater support to your clients and bring your medicine more powerfully into the world. Do you feel called to take action and help our world move towards a more beautiful, compassionate and higher dimensional expression? Are you excited to help ignite a new earth paradigm? Join us for a month-long intensive new earth priestess school.

Do you feel the call to be of service to humanity and this earth in these times of transition and growth? We are summoning all priestesses, change-makers, wisdom-keepers, earth guardians and all sacred leaders who wish to help others reconnect to their divine spark and embody higher frequencies of light.
Are you ready to embrace your sacred leadership and contribute to the birth of a new earth template? Join us for an immersive one-month new earth priestess training.

your guides

Anaïs Theyskens
I am a high priestess of the Magdalene lineage and rose medicine teacher, myrraphore, founder of Path of the Magdalene mystery school and author of ‘Laying down the Arms’. To me, the spiritual path offered by Mary Magdalene and the rose is a way of life that represents a commitment to truth in every circumstance and a choice to live freely, consciously and responsibly. Mary Magdalene was one of the great ambassadors of the eternal teachings of love, the original tantra, teaching us how to be a lover of life and the divine and how to weave our life as a creation of beauty and a reflection of our love.
My work and teachings draw on gnostic tradition and are deeply connected to the wisdom of the sacred sites of this earth. Through initiation and study, my students and I unearth a red thread crossing the continents and ages, spun by the Divine Mother herself to help us find our way back to wholeness and harmony and step into sacred leadership as divine guardians of this earth.
My spiritual roots lie in the Celtic tradition, which has held me since I was initiated by a druid in Brittany in my twenties and has given my work and practice roots. The earth is my guru, she has taught me most of the things I know. She has shared her memories with me, has taught me how she heals and nurtures. She initiated me into her language and we started having conversations that have never stopped. The boundaries between her and me started to fade. She showed me the storylines I was part of, made me feel the different ways in which my story and frequency were woven into hers. We started to share a breath, a living frequency where I was not separate anymore and that was resurrecting me from within. She awakened my kundalini energy and blasted through the walls of my perceived limitations.
She told me that we when we are born, we enter into a shared, sacred alliance with the earth. She is our eternal soulmate and she loves us deeply. If only we allow ourselves to receive her love and abundance. I consider this life on earth to be one great mystery school experience, but am called to different sites on the planet to tend to specific earth temples. These past seven years I have been at the service of the Avalonian mystery school, deepening the Magdalene gnosis in one of her most important high temples.

Bianca Kempe
I am a devoted Rose Priestess and the founder of the Mystery School of the Rose, a mystery school that supports women in remembering their roles as conscious creators and leaders of the New Earth. My work blends ancient Egyptian rituals with contemporary practices to facilitate reconnection with one's divine nature. I find great joy in offering pilgrimages to sacred sites, retreats, and ceremonies enriched with devotional music, prayer, sacred plant medicine, yoga, breathwork, and movement.
I live amidst the sacred mountains of Costa Rica, where I am a dedicated student of nature’s wisdom. Here, I channel my teachings and steward ‘Mū Earth,’ a sanctuary and mystery school for study, ceremony, longevity, and spiritual transformation. I am deeply committed to the path of the heart, inviting others to reconnect with their intuition, embrace empowered leadership, and participate in the collective rebirth of the Divine Feminine.
Sophie Nevill | guest teacher
I am a long-term psychotherapist, meditation teacher, musician and founder of Heart of the Rose and Brotherhood of the Rose festival in England. I am also the curator of the Rose Temple at Medicine Festival and am currently birthing a retreat center, Rose Mystery School and conscious community on sacred land in England.
The ‘path of the Priestess’ and the ‘path of the Rose’ is the path of ‘embodied’ Love that is so needed on this planet at this time. It is the ‘Feminine’ path of awakening, where we are fully awake to our divine I Am Presence *and* also fully here embracing all aspects of our sacred humanity. Dissolving the ‘mind’ ever-more deeply into the heart, so we can become the true emissaries of divine Love that we were always destined to be. After several profound personal awakening experiences throughout this lifetime and deep training as a psychotherapist, 10 years training with a Shaman and now 17 years teaching meditation, my main work is helping all I work with Awaken to their true infinite Self beyond the conditioned ‘mind’, and to bring this unconditional Love and Presence ‘down’ into every layer of their humanity, so that all can be healed and uplifted back to it's original divine blueprint.

I truly believe that many of us chose to incarnate on earth at this time to birth a new way of being together on this sacred Planet. A true Golden Age that is rooted in the Heart. Dissolving all layers of distortion we have taken on through previous lifetimes and stepping ever more fully into our Highest embodied Light and potential. It is a deep honour to have been asked to co-facilitate on this incredibly special retreat! Anais and Bianca are true sister’s of the Heart, and I can’t wait to all journey, re-member and be together soon!
We are being asked to remember and step up as sacred guardians and midwives of the new earth. Facilitating the sacred union between heaven and earth. It is time to take action and reclaim our divine sword.
this training is for you if
☥ You feel a strong calling to be of service to the collective awakening and play an active role in the creation of more beautiful and compassionate world. You wish to be a pillar of support in your community, you have a strong sense of integrity, you wish to be a source of inspiration and guidance.
☥ You have a strong sense of purpose, you understand the importance of celebrating the divine and of communing with the elements and wish to share this love and devotion of all things sacred and alive in a way that best brings through your uniqueness. You wish to help people clarify their divine purpose and awaken a vibrant love of the divine within them.
☥ You wish to deepen your knowledge of the mysteries, of ancient temple practices, ancestral ways of relating to the earth, the history of priestesshood and the mythology that underpins the greatest mystery traditions to deepen your offerings and give them a solid wisdom foundation.
☥ You wish to learn more about temple protocol, the holy sacraments, how to practice sacred temple arts, etc. to integrate a greater variation of practices in the spaces and services you provide.
☥ You are ready for the next step. You are already active as a priestess and you wish to amplify your reach and influence, powerfully activate and expand your potential. You wish to learn the tools and activate the energies that will take you beyond your current glass ceiling.
☥ You wish to be deeply attuned to the voice of Gaia and the voice of the divine, you wish to respond to what is needed most within the collective at every moment, you wish to create the inner energetic structures that will allow you to continually expand your consciousness and the tools and wisdom you bring through to always stay relevant in an ever-evolving world.
☥ You know the importance of being held in sacred sisterhood and are looking for a tribe of vibrant, creative, soulful and ambitious women to connect with, mutually inspire each other and create a network of light to bring through the new paradigm.

what you will learn
☥ You will feel and be empowered to fully step into your role as a new earth priestess by learning the tools, protocols, rituals to open sacred space, to hold space in ceremony. You will learn to create your own rituals, invocations and temple practices so you can adapt your offering to different circumstances and audiences.
☥ We will help you clarify your unique medicine and broadcast your frequency into the world so you can attract the people and circumstances that will support your purpose and the students and clients that can benefit greatly from your teachings and offerings. We will give you the tools to amplify your offering and give it more power.
☥ We will help you refine your oracular abilities - a new earth priestess communes and takes council with the earth, the stars and everything in between. You will learn to listen deeply and bring through new information attuned to what is needed in every moment and translate this into inspiring containers that can uplift and activate your students and clients.
☥ Become a midwife of the new earth: learn to hold and bring through cosmic light codes and high frequencies of light to awaken the light within your DNA, boost your radiance and vastly expand your capacity to hold high and new frequencies of light - become the beacon that allows the new earth codes to ground and come into our reality and teach others to do the same
The gnosis and wisdom that were shared were incredible. Beyond the body of knowledge, I feel a lot was received just by sharing space with Anaïs and receiving the energies moving through her. My whole being has been lifted to a higher vibration as a result.
The initiation I did with Anaïs is the most powerful experience I encountered in my life. I will never again be the same person, my whole outlook on life has changed. I went through a deep and radical rebirth and felt held, seen and understood during the whole experience. I am free to be who I am and live life to the highest potential.
You showed me the path when I could only feel love but had no idea where to direct it. You made me become the priestess that I once was in the past, helping me remember who I am. You taught & guided me through Mother Earth’s Medicine with such immense love and kindness that I only can have beautiful memories about you and your Mission in this Earth. Thank you
This was one of the best investments in myself. I learned how to trust myself, devote time & create space for creativity, play & pleasure. I learned how to lean into lessons life was providing me, with love & grace, and overcome limitations. The sisterhood, the support, the lessons, the sacred space and the powerful magic has been invaluable and truly life changing for me.

Explore Our Magical Realm in the Photo Gallery Below


Tending to the soil – how to build the foundation for our life and offerings and fertilize our potential, create the optimal circumstances for our growth. Developing the skills to take our cues from mother earth and create in connection to her heart.
Some of the Initiations and sacred practices you will learn and experience during the Earth Priestess week:
Purification Rites: How to purify yourself before and after holding space and sacred ceremony, how to purify temple space, purification rites for people entering a sacred space.
Intention placing and manifestation practices: How to clarify your intention, conscious manifestation practices that call in the support of the elementals, that work with the seasons and cycles of nature and the planets
Sacred Depth Practices: How to cultivate the soil of your being by creating time and space to cultivate silence and increase your ability to go deep - Exploration and learning of sacred inner work practices and self-care rituals
Creating Temple Space: What are the elements that are needed to create temple space, how do you physically and energetically create the space? Applied practice
Rose Healing and ceremonies: How to conduct a rose healing session, womb healing, sacred heart healing. How to work with the rose as a plant medicine and energetic medicine.
Rooting your practices: Grounding practices, Study of foundational philosophy and sacred texts, exploration of heritage and the lineages that will support your priestesshood, Developing your communication with earth elements and plant spirits.
Tending to the sacred hearth – practices to ignite and support your creative fire and life force and birth your creative potential into the world in a powerful and beautiful way.
Some of the Initiations and sacred practices you will learn and experience during the Fire Temple week between our Fire Temple opening and closing ceremony:
Earth Tantra: Practices to prepare your body to receive the fire of the holy spirit and to connect to the kundalini energy of the earth. Practices to stimulate and encourage shakti/shekinah to circulate freely.
Sacred Muse: Ritual Theatre and expression, Practices to create sacred creative space and call in the muse. Archetypal work to call in the goddess archetypes that support your creative expression.
Sacred Body, Sacred Hearth: Physical and embodiment practices that support your sacred fire. Womb rituals and healing rites.
Sacred devotional practices: Explore how the beauty way expresses itself through you, bhakti and devotional practices to support the altar of your life, archetypal goddess worK
Oracular Fire practices: conducting a fire ceremony, using the power and energy of the fire to stimulate your inner fire.

Portal practices – practices to weave your connection to the stars and the invisible realms, birthing reality from the womb of the Mother.
Some of the Initiations and sacred practices you will learn and experience during the Star Temple week between our Star Temple opening and closing ceremony:
Sacred Dream Temple: Conscious dream work as an avenue for oracular practices and manifestation work, Create a dream temple for a group and hold space in the dream space, collective dream temple work to support community healing
Night Temple practices: Working with the star realms, calling in their support, Sacred practices to do at night
Sacred Myrraphore: Anointment rituals, blending your sacred oil and blessing it, sacred oil work for healing and to support manifestation and prayer practices, the historical use of temple oils.
Black Rose Temple: Moving beyond the boundaries of physical space, manifesting from the void, Magical living as an embodied practice, how to hold space on a multi-dimensional level and work on all layers of the being, light body activations.
Sacred Prayer: The magical power of the word, ancient spell magic, channelling and receiving your own prayers, prayer as a way of weaving the bridge between the visible and invisible realms, collective prayer practices
Sacred Waters – practices to connect to the healing powers and oracular abilities of sacred waters, building organic communities, group work.
Some of the Initiations and sacred practices you will learn and experience during the Water Temple week between our Water Temple opening and closing ceremony:
Water Temple Blessing: How to tap into the oracular abilities of the waters, water purification rites, how to conduct a water blessing and baptism rite. The history and sacred practice of the holy sacraments.
Sacred Community: How to create and support an organic, living community where energy and inspiration circulates freely, how to support and nourish sacred sisterhood as a catalyst for flow and growth
Water Wisdom: Communing with the wisdom keepers of the water realms - the dolphins, whales, mermaids, receiving and tapping into Atlantean codes
Sacred Fountain: How to uniquely and powerfully express your divine purpose and sacred medicine in the world, how to clarify and create your unique offering, the heart-womb creation process
Temple consciousness: Expressing and creating your life as an offering to the world, you as a new-earth priestess

daily schedule

7:45 - 8:45
Movement & Yoga
8:45 - 9:30
Mantra Chanting & Meditation
9:30 - 11
11 - 1:30
Morning Session
1:30 - 3:30
3:30 - 6
Afternoon Session
6 - 8
8 - 9:30
Evening Session

For the majority of our journey (March 29 - April 23), we will be nestled in the serene Terrazas de la Tierra, a private temple complex hidden in the mountains near San José del Pacífico, Oaxaca, Mexico. This sacred space is exclusively ours, a sanctuary where nature and humanity coexist in harmonious balance. Each cabin, built with natural materials, offers luxury without complexity, allowing you to connect deeply with the landscape that provides everything you need. The food comes fresh from the ecological land, and the forest generously offers wood for the evening fire, which will be lit for you each night. Here, under the embrace of the sun, moon, and stars, you will be serenaded by the whispers of ancient knowledge carried by the wind
As we near the completion of our journey together (April 23 - 27), we will transition to the stunning Rancho Cerro Largo, a retreat center on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, which will also be reserved exclusively for our use. Perched on a hilltop with breathtaking views of the beautiful beaches of San Agustinillo, Mazunte, and Playa Aragon, this jewel of a location is where we will celebrate the culmination of our one-month intensive. Surrounded by the magic of the ocean and blessed by Oshun’s wisdom keepers, we will stay in charming, open-plan cabins nestled among the trees, enjoying delicious organic vegetarian meals in a beautiful eco-conscious setting. This will be the perfect place to rest, integrate, and DREAM BIG as we honour the completion of our sacred journey.
Our retreat begins on the 29th, and we ask that you arrive at the retreat center by 5pm that evening to join us for our first shared meal and opening ceremony. Check-in is available after 2pm.
We will start our journey in the sacred mountains of Oaxaca, in San José del Pacífico. There are three nearby airports you can fly into:
Oaxaca City (OAX)
Huatulco International Airport (HUX)
Puerto Escondido International Airport (PXM)
All three airports are approximately 3-4 hours away from our retreat location by bus or private car. From Oaxaca City and Puerto Escondido, there are public bus options available for a minimal fee. If you prefer a more direct and comfortable journey, we can assist you in organizing private transportation for approximately $100 USD each way from any of the three airports. As we near the retreat dates, we will connect all participants in a whatsapp group so you can coordinate ride sharing.
We will conclude our retreat at 11am on the 27th at our second temple site on the stunning Pacific Coast of Mazunte. Check-out is at noon.
For your departure, the nearest airports are:
Huatulco International Airport (HUX) - 45 minutes away
Puerto Escondido International Airport (PXM) - 1 hour away
We can assist in organizing shared shuttles or private car transfers to either airport.
sacred tools

We will work with the energy and plant medicine of the rose. You will be able to conduct a one-to-one rose healing session, facilitate a rose healing circle for a group and integrate the energetic and plant medicine of the rose in your ceremonies

You will learn and practice an extensive set of rituals practiced in the ancient Egyptian temples of Isis and Hathor and sacred ancestral traditions such as invocation magic, anointment rituals, temple dance, sacred music, Heka rituals, holy sacraments and plant medicine ceremonies. You will learn how to place a medicine wheel and cast a circle to open sacred space. You will learn how to open, close and conduct a sacred temple space by learning about temple protocol such as the creation of altars, ritual prayers and purification practices.

You will learn sacred embodiment and body temple practices such as rose yoga, meditation, breathwork, heart-opening practices, self-healing and womb healing practices to support you physically and energetically in your priestess ministry. We will explore and integrate topics such as self-love


You will develop and strengthen various oracular skills that will offer you personal guidance and clarity in your priestess work, but that you will also be able to use in a group setting. Some examples are fire and water divining, dream temple work, animal spirit allies, scrying, etc.

You will receive the guidance, learn the practices and receive the tools that you will need in your active service as a priestess of the new earth such as how to create your own sacred tools and develop your personal mystery school teachings. You will be initiated into earth tantra and Magdalene tantra. You will receive a course book that includes a sacred song book, meditations, prayers, guidelines to support your service, the theoretical information of the training, details of the sacred ceremonies, etc.

Through the study and integration of sacred texts from various traditions such as Hinduism, gnosticism, ancient egypt, etc. you will develop the confidence and know-how to be a informed and respected teacher in the field of mystery school teachings and spirituality. Your practices will be anchoured into an ancient, universal goddess wisdom lineage.
You will learn about the practical steps and tools to bring your sacred offering into the world and place yourself on the map in the conscious community, to increase your reach and create a real impact on the collective tissue of the world

When you leave the sacred mountains and coast of Mexico, you will be a priestess ready to share your medicine, ready to be of service to your community and the world. You will be fully certified by TWO mystery schools: Bianca’s Mystery School of the Rose and Anaïs’ Path of the Magdalene Mystery School and will be supported by those schools and communities in your sacred service.
To conclude our month-long intensive training, you will participate in a sacred consecration ritual, ordaining you as a New Earth Priestess, spiritually anointing you into an ancient spiritual lineage of wisdom keepers and earth priestesses that transcends the borders of culture, religion, time and space. You will be energetically and spiritually held and guided by this ancestral earth council of keepers of the codes of love and harmony as you share your ministry in the world.
You will have the confidence, tools and dexterity to show up with integrity and heart as a priestess and be seen on a public stage. You will have the tools and guidance to build energetic, spiritual and physical stamina to be able to hold, share and grow your purpose consistently.
As an initiate into the ways of the Mother of the Heavens and the Mother of the Earth, you will be able to tune into our ever-evolving and expanding matrix and listen to what is present, receive new downloads of wisdom and integrate the latest light codes to keep your service and offering relevant and of the highest vibration.